Local development

Starting the server

We’ve built a development server that has an exact mapping of the production API.

You may develop your application locally and deploy to your self-hosted StaticBackend API server or use our managed services.

Make sure your current working directory is the root of your project and run the following command:

backend server

By default the server listen on port 8099. You can change that by passing a port to the server command:

backend server -p 8088

Ddata persistence

By default, the development server will use a non-persistant in-memory database. All data will be removed when the server shutdowns.

To persist your development data across restarts, use the following flag:

$ backend server --persist-data


The in-memory database provider have some slight limitations regarding querying of data using in and !in operators.

For a full experience uses the --persist-data which uses SQLite as database engine and all query operators are supported.

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