Install our CLI

StaticBackend CLI v1.5.0

We’ve created a CLI (command-line interface) which offers the following functionalities.



You may install the CLI globally via npm:

$> npm install -g @staticbackend/cli

Manual installation

You may download the latest version from the GitHub release page.

There’s a binary version for Linux, MacOS and Windows for 64 bit architecture. If you’re looking for a 32-bit build, please build from source.

You can also download it via a curl call:

$ curl -L -o backend.gz \

Replace linux with darwin or windows in the URL above. For Windows add .exe before .gz example: windows-amd64-backend.exe.gz.

The downloaded file is compressed to make it faster to download.

This next command decompresses it, replacing backend.gz with backend.

gunzip backend.gz


gzip -d backend.gz

Every file has “permissions” about whether it can be read, written, or executed.

So before we use this file, we need to mark this file as executable:

chmod +x backend

The backend file is now executable. That means running ./backend --help should work.

But we want to be able to say backend --help without specifying the full file path every time. We can do this by moving the backend binary to one of the directories listed in your PATH environment variable:

sudo mv backend /usr/local/bin


You may run backend to see the usage.

You can start building your application locally using the server command.

$> backend server

Create your account

Create your account once you’re ready to test the production environment.

$> backend account create ""

You’ll get a link to enter a credit card to start your trial and get an email with the keys needed in the configuration file.

Configuration file

You need a .backend.yml configuration file at the root of your project:

region: na1
pubKey: your-public-key
rootToken: your-root-token

At this time we only support na1 as region. The public key and your root token will be sent by email when you create your account.

Managing your resources

Once your configuration file is setup you can execute command like:

$> backend db list "repository-name"

Make sure to check the available commands via:

$> backend --help
$> backend db --help

We are actively working on this tool to make sure you have the best experience possible building and managing your applications.

Any feedback is highly appreciated.

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