Realtime websocket backend

Powering real-time experience for your web and mobile applications.

Server-Sent Events communication are a key feature for applications needing real-time experience like collaborative documents, chat, games, etc. We’re offering a completely managed channel-based communication infrastructure handling broadcasting
messages to channels and real-time database update notifications.

Connection limits

A maximum of concurrent connections is restricted based on your plan. You cannot have more active connections than your plan’s limit. You receive an error if you try to establish a connection that would exceed that number.

Data format

There’s a preset JSON object you need to comply with when sending and receiving data. Here are the fields and definitions.

  "sid": "unique socket id",
  "type": "one of supported types",
  "data": "a string representing the payload",
  "channel": "if the message target a channel",
  "token": "a special token obtained via auth"

The supported message types are echo, auth, join, chan_in.

You may receive the following types: ok, error, init, token, joined, chan_out, db_created, db_updated, db_deleted.

Establishing a connection

The following steps are required for channel-based communication or for real-time database events.

  1. Initiating the connection.
  2. Authenticating the user.
  3. Joining channel(s) to send and receive messages.
  4. Subscribing to database events.

Creating the connection

Use the connect function of our JavaScript helper library.

import { Backend } from "@staticbackend/js"
const bkn = new Backend("your-pub-key", "na1");

const onAuth = (tok) => {
  console.log("ready to use the connection");

const onMessage = (payload) => {
  console.log("receiving", payload);

bkn.connect("user-session-token", OnAuth, onMessage);
// not implemented in server libraries

You can use the echo command to test your connection.

bkn.send(bkn.types.echo, "hello");
// not implemented on server-side library

The onMessage callback fires and prints this:

  "data":"echo: hello",

Authenticating the user

At this time, only authenticated users can join a channel and receive database events.

You must provide the authenticated user’s session token. You receive that token after a call to register or login.

Your onAuth callback fires on successful authentication.

const onAuth = (tok) => {
  // it's safe to use the bkn.send command.
// not implemented on server-side libraries

If the authentication failed you’ll receive this message:

  "sid": "7eea6625-54c1-11eb-8296-d6c19976ae8a",
  "type": "error",
  "data": "invalid token",

Joining channel(s) to send and receive messages

You have a fully functional bi-directional connection. Your users can join channels to send and receive messages to all members of that channel.

It’s up to you to have channel names that are hard to guess. There’s no way to prevent anyone from joining a channel. If you are building a project management application, you might have one channel per project for team to discuss. A unique name with letters and digits would be a great choice here, say 25ti97wIt56swf5210aPo854Uoma.

bkn.send(bkn.types.join, "25ti97wIt56swf5210aPo854Uoma");
// not implemented on server-side libraries

This is the confirmation message:

  "sid": "7eea6625-54c1-11eb-8296-d6c19976ae8a",
  "type": "joined",
  "data": "25ti97wIt56swf5210aPo854Uoma",

To send message:

bkn.send(bkn.types.chanIn, "hello all", "25ti97wIt56swf5210aPo854Uoma");
// not implemented on server-side libraries

You should specify the type chanIn and channel parameters to send a message to a channel.

A reply with the type field’s value of ok is returned on successful message sent.

New messages from channels your user are members of looks like this:

  "sid": "7eea6625-54c1-11eb-8296-d6c19976ae8a",
  "type": "chan_out",
  "data": "the message here",  
  "channel": "25ti97wIt56swf5210aPo854Uoma"

Feel free to use JSON objects inside your message. For instance, if you would want to have the name of the sender, the data field can be this:

var payload = {
  name: "dominic",
  message: "hello from Québec",
  sentAt: new Date()
bkn.send(bkn.types.chanIn, JSON.stringify(payload), "25ti97wIt56swf5210aPo854Uoma");
// not implemented on server-side libraries

You’d need to JSON.parse the data field value when you receive it.

Subscribing to database events

The real-time database events are similar to channel communication. In fact, we’re using channels under the hood.

You must join specially named channels to receive database events. For instance, if you have a tasks_760_ repository and want some users to receive database events, you join the channel db-tasks_760_.

bkn.send(bkn.types.join, "db-tasks_760_")
// not implemented on server-side libraries

All documents created, updated, and deleted this user has access to read will be sent as a database update message in that channel. The permissions are identical to the database repository permissions. Your users will get database events only on the documents they can read.

Let say we have the following users connected:

|- Account A
|---- User A
|---- User B
|-- Account B
|---- User C

The two users in account A will receive messages about documents created, updated, and deleted for that account as the permissions are _760_. Owner can read, write, and execute. Account users can read and write. Everyone else has no access.

The user C receive only messages related to their account. Since they are alone, they receive only action they are performing and not the events for account A.

It’s not allowed to send messages inside database channels. You’ll receive an error if you try to do this.

Here are examples of database event messages:

  "sid": "7eea6625-54c1-11eb-8296-d6c19976ae8a",
  "type": "db_created",
  "data": "{id: \"123\", name: \"new doc\"}",
  "channel": "db-tasks_760_"

For creations and updates, the full document is sent. For deletions, only the id of the deleted document is sent.

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