Root token from server-side libraries

Sometimes you need all the control.

By default, all your requests impersonate your current user, the user that is doing the action.

Sometimes when building real-world systems, you’ll need, as the system engineer, to perform CRUD operations on behalf of your users. For this, you use a root token.

Let’s take this example that exists for almost all SaaS. You might want to purge data for all your account in a background job. With the root token version of the Delete database function, you’ll be able to delete documents without having the owner token from your backend.

When creating a StaticBackend app, you’ve received a root token. This token lets you perform database operations on records you don’t own.

Critical commands such as sending emails or generating password reset codes require a root token to complete successfully. The backend library you use allows you to supply a root token on special functions. Usually, those functions have the Sudo prefix.

If a function accepts a root token, it will have the exact same usage as the standard one. The only difference in its name and token should be your root token. Let’s take the GetById database function as an example.

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -H "SB-PUBLIC-KEY: your-pub-key" \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer user-token" \
const id = "5e185aceb1374eaf8b994bf6";
const result = await bkn.getById(session_token, "tasks", id);
if (!result.ok) {
id := "5e185aceb1374eaf8b994bf6";
var task Task
err := backend.GetByID(token, "tasks", id, &task)

While the root token version:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -H "SB-PUBLIC-KEY: your-pub-key" \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer root-token" \
const id = "5e185aceb1374eaf8b994bf6";
const result = await bkn.sudoGetById(rootToken, "tasks", id);
if (!result.ok) {
id := "5e185aceb1374eaf8b994bf6";
var task Task
err := backend.SudoGetByID(rootToken, "tasks", id, &task)

Those functions are avaialble only from your server-side functions/backend using the server-side client libraries.

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