Server-side functions

Create functions that react to system events and schedule.

Functions run into a custom JavaScript runtime we’ve created. It means that you do not have a full Node environment. You have a sandboxed runtime similar to what browsers offer but without the window and document objects.

How to trigger functions

When you create a function, you must specify a trigger. At this time, we support two trigger types: web and topic or message type.

StaticBackend already publishes messages when database documents are created, updated, or deleted. So those are all valid topics you can have functions be triggered and execute some logic on the server.

A function that triggers via web can be invoked directly via its URL.

Function’s entry point

The function entry point is named handle. You’re required to have a function with that name to have a valid executable function.

// for trigger: web 
function handle(body, qs, headers) {
  // body is an object from the HTTP request body
  // qs is query string map
  // headers is the HTTP headers map
  // implement your logic here

// for trigger: topic
function handle(channel, type, data) {
  // channel is the channel used to this message
  // type is the type of message (i.e. db_created)
  // data is an object from the message

  // implement your logic here

Built-in message type (topic)

join: When a user joins a real-ime channel.

chan_out: When a message was send in a real-time channel.

db_created: When a document is created.

db_updated: When a document is updated.

db_deleted: When a document is deleted.

We will add multiple system topics in the following weeks for all StaticBackend resources. For instance, a new user creates an account when files are uploaded, forms are submitted, etc. This will allow your application to react to those events in a server-side function and perform other important tasks.

Built-in runtime functions

Those are the functions we provide to help you interact with your StaticBackend resources from your functions.

Please note: all functions that return something will wrap the return object inside an object like this:

  ok: true,
  content: {
    status: 200,
    body: "response body"

This is compatible with the JavaScript/Node API client, you’ll write your code similar to this:

function handle(body, qs, headers) {
  log("my function is running");
  var res = getById("tasks",;
  if (!res.ok) {
    log("error: ", res.content);

  log("all good, got the task",;

Helper functions

log(“item 1”, item2, true, …)

The log function allows you to keep records of what’s happening during the execution of your function. When viewing the execution history, you will see all output produced by the log function.

You may specify multiple objects and they’ll all get printed.

fetch(url, params)

This allow your function to perform HTTP requests.


name type description
url string The target URL to call
params object A browser’s fetch compatible object

Returns: {staus: 200, body: "response body"}

cacheSet(key, value)

Set this value for this key in the cache.


name type description
key string The key to use in the cache
value string The value for that key

Returns: true


Get the value for this key in the cache.


name type description
key string The key to get the value of

Returns: string value of the item if exists

inc(key, n) or dec(key, n)

Increment (inc) or decrement (dec) a value (this is an atomic incrementation).


name type description
key string The key in the cache
n number The number to increment or decrement (starting number if key does not exists)

Returns: number = the new value after the operation.

publish(channel, type, data)

Publish message that triggers another server-side functions.


name type description
channel string The channel to send the message to
type string The type of message (useful to control if function run or not)
data object The data that will be posted

Returns: true

Database releated functions

create(col, doc)

Creates the document inside the specified collection.


name type description
col string Database collection name
doc ‘object’ The document to be created

Returns: The created document

list(col, [params])

List all documents in a collection.


name type description
col string Database collection name
params ‘object’ Optional: List parameters object

List parameter object:

  "page": 1,
  "size": 25


  "result": [{your doc}, ...],
  "page": 1,
  "size": 25,

getById(col, id)

Get a document by id.

name type description
col string Database collection name
id ‘string` The id of the document

Returns: The matching document

query(col, filter, [params])

Query a database collection for documents.

name type description
col string Database collection name
filter ‘array’ Array of filter clause
params ‘object’ Optional: List parameters object


  "result": [{your doc}, ...],
  "page": 1,
  "size": 25,

update(col, id, doc)

Update a document.

name type description
col string Database collection name
id ‘string’ Document id
doc ‘object’ Document to update (can be partial)

Returns: Updated document

del(col, id)

Delete a document.

name type description
col string Database collection name
id ‘string’ Document id to delete

Returns: Count of deleted document(s)

Event/messages/cache functions

send(type, data, channel)

Publish a message to a specific channel.

name type description
type string The message type / topic
data ‘object’ The data that’s being sent with the message
channel ‘string’ Where to send this message

Returns: A boolean

indexDocument(col, id, text)

Index the collection id with that searchable text. The collection name must be the same in which this id belongs to.

name type description
col string The collection the document can be found by id
id string The id of the document
text string The searchable text

Returns: boolean

search(col, keywords)

Search the indexed text for this collection.

name type description
col string The collection to search in.
keywords string The keywords to search

Returns: [{your doc}]

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