
We try to keep this as simple as possible.


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The StaticBackend API is accessible via HTTPS requests. Some should use a multipart/form-data format, and others should use application/json.

The URL to access the API is based on the region you selected for your project. At this moment we support only a North America region.

For self-hosted version you can specify the URL of your instance in the region parameter.

All requests need authentication except the login and register endpoints.

The region can be:

  • na1: The North America production managed service
  • dev: Use the default localhost:8099 (used if you’re using the Docker instance)
  • https:/ For self-hosted, you can specify your own URL.
import { Backend } from "@staticbackend/js";
// use your public key and region ("dev" or "na1" for now)
const bkn = new Backend("public-token", "region");
import (

func init() {
  backend.PublicKey = os.Getenv("SB_PUB_KEY")
	backend.Region = os.Getenv("SB_REGION")
nothing to display


To authenticate a request you need to pass two HTTP headers.

SB-PUBLIC-KEY: Your StaticBackend public key. Find it in your project’s settings page.

Authorization: The current user’s autentication token obtained via a login or register call. Use the Bearer type, like this:

Authorization: Bearer your-token-here

Example request

Here’s an example of an authenticated request that adds a document to a Tasks repository.

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -H "SB-PUBLIC-KEY: your-pub-key" \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer user-token" \
     -X POST \
     -d '{"name": "task name", "done": false}' \
import { Backend } from "@staticbackend/js";
const bkn = new Backend("any-key-for-dev", "dev");

const authExample = async () => {
  const logres = await bkn.login("", "test123");
  if (!logres.ok) {
  // you'd keep this token somewhere easily accenssible
  // for this user (session/local storage for instance).
  const session_token = logres.content;
  const task = {
    name: "task name",
    done: false
  const result = await bkn.create(session_token, "tasks", task);
  if (!result.ok) {
package main
import (

func init() {
  backend.PublicKey = os.Getenv("SB_PUB_KEY")
  backend.Region = "dev"

type Task struct {
  ID string `json:"id"`
  AccountID string `json:"accountId"`
  Name string `json:"name"`
  Done bool `json:"done"`

func main() {
  // create a new user account
  token, err := backend.Login("", "my_pass")
  if err != nil {

  // our token can be used on all requests.
  task := Task{Name: "first task", Done: false}
  if err := backend.Create(token, "tasks", task, &task); err != nil {

  // task now has ID and AccountID filled with proper value

  var byIdTask Task
  if err := backend.GetByID(token, "tasks", task.ID, &byIdTask); err != nil {

  // task and byIdTask are identical

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