August 17, 2021

Server-side functions & task scheduler example

The source code for this tutorial can be found here.

Here’s a quick video demonstrating the live chat in action.

Today in this tutorial, we’ll build a simple live chat page where users join a channel and send and receive messages.

It will be similar to our real-time collaboration tutorial. But we’re going to see a new component of SataticBackend, the server-side function.

All messages persist to the database via a server-side function called each time a message is received.


To follow along for this example you need the following:

  1. Our self-hosted version running locally
  2. Node and NPM installed

Initialize the project and install dependencies

Let’s first create a directory named server-side-sample and initialize our frontend application by running npm init -y.

$> mkdir server-side-sample && cs server-side-sample
$> npm init -y

We will need the following JavaScript dependencies:

  1. @staticbackend/js our main JavaScript client library.
  2. react and react-dom we’re going to use React for this example.
  3. TypeScript will be our language
  4. esbuild will be our build tool to create our application bundle
  5. http-server to test our application.
$> npm install @staticbackend/js typescript
$> npm install --save-dev esbuild http-server
$> npm install react react-dom
$> npm install --save-dev @types/react @types/react-dom

We create the src directory where our client-side code will be saved.

$> mkdir src

Let’s create the scripts we’ll need to run and build our React application.

Inside the package.json file:

"scripts": {
  "start": "http-server",
  "build": "esbuild --bundle --outfile=dist/chat.js src/bootstrap.tsx"

We’re now ready to start writing our code.

User authentication

Like all our tutorials, it seems we always start with user authentication. A web application cannot go very far without authentication these days.

Let’s use our traditional form layout with two fields; email and password. We have two buttons to distinguish from the login or register action.

File: src/auth.tsx

import React from "react";
import { Backend } from "@staticbackend/js";

interface IState {
	email: string;
	password: string;

interface IProps {
	onToken: (token: string, email: string) => void;

export class Auth extends React.Component<IProps, IState> {
	constructor(props: IProps) {

		this.state = {
			email: "",
			password: ""

	handleChanges = (field: string, e: TextEvent) => {
		let s = this.state;
		s[field] =;

	handleLogin = async () => {
		const { email, password } = this.state;
		const res = await bkn.login(email, password);
		if (!res.ok) {
		this.props.onToken(res.content, email);

	handleRegister = async () => {
		const { email, password } = this.state;
		const res = await bkn.register(email, password);
		if (!res.ok) {
		this.props.onToken(res.content, email);
	render() {
		return (
				<h1>Login or register</h1>
					<label>Your email</label>
					<br />
						onChange={this.handleChanges.bind(this, "email")}
					<label>Your password</label>
					<br />
						onChange={this.handleChanges.bind(this, "password")}
					<button onClick={this.handleLogin}>Login</button>
					<button onClick={this.handleRegister}>Register</button>

We’re using a callback function onToken in our pros to send our authentication token back to the parent once we’ve login or register successfully.

interface IProps {
	onToken: (token: string, email: string) => void;

this.props.onToken(res.content, email);

If we compare the handleLogin and handleRegister functions, we’ll notice that they are almost identical except for the backend function name.

const res = await bkn.login(email, password);
const res = await bkn.register(email, password);

You might wonder where the bkn global variable is coming from. It is declared in our bootstrap.tsx file, the application’s entrypoint. Initiating the StaticBackend client there ensures it’s available everywhere in our client-side application.

File: bootstrap.tsx

import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { App } from "./app";
import { Backend } from "@staticbackend/js";

bkn = new Backend("6113e61abe103dba0d35b754", "dev");

	<App  />,

You’ll need your SB-PUBLIC-KEY when creating a new instance of the Backend class. Once you have your self-hosted backend running, you can create your app by visiting http://localhost:8099 and creating an account.

You’ll see your credentials information in the terminal running the self-hosted backend server.

Our main live chat application

We’ll go step-by-step for this one. Let’s start by looking at the state of the component.

File: src/app.tsx

Component’s state and data model

import React, { ChangeEventHandler } from "react";
import { Auth } from "./auth";
import { Chat } from "./chat";
import { Backend, Payload } from "@staticbackend/js";

interface IState {
	token: string | null;
	username: string;
	messages: Array<IMessage>;
	msg: string;

interface IMessage {
	from: string;
	body: string;

We’re importing the Auth component we just covered. This component will be displayed if we don’t have a valid authentication token.

Our state has a token field that we will be using once the Auth component calls our onToken callback.

The array of IMessage will be used to display the chat messages. The msg field will be used to type a new message.


Let’s have a look at our component declaration and constructor.

export class App extends React.Component<any, IState> {
	constructor(props: any) {

		this.state = {
			token: null,
			username: "",
			messages: [],
			msg: ""

We initialize the component’s state with empty value for all fields.

Render and helper UI function

Let’s jump straight to the rendering part of the component to focus last on the main part involving the WebSocket processes.

renderMsg = (msg: IMessage, index: number) => {
  if (!msg) {
    return null;
  return (
    <p key={index}>

render() {
  if (!this.state.token) {
    return (
      <Auth onToken={this.onToken} />

  const msgs = this.state.messages?.map(this.renderMsg);

  return (
      <h1>Sample chat: {this.state.username}</h1>
      <div id="messages">{msgs}</div>
          placeholder="enter a new message"

If we do not have a valid authentication token, we display our Auth component. Otherwise, we’ll show the chat messages and an input field to write a new message.

The renderMsg is a small helper to format a IMessage in HTML.

We’re finally at the main step. What happened when our Auth component calls the onToken callback.

Real-time aspect of this tiny live chat sample

These are the events that are handle in the onToken callback:

  1. Once authenticated, we can connect to the real-time component of StaticBackend.
  2. Once connected, we can join a channel to send and receive messages.
  3. Get the previous messages from database.
  4. When someone joins the channel, we want to be notified.
  5. When new messages are posted to that channel, we want to see them.

Here’s the onToken callback:

onToken = (token: string, email: string) => {
  this.setState({ token: token, username: email });

    (tok: string) => {
      console.log("socket connected");

      bkn.send(bkn.types.join, "lobby");
    (pl: Payload) => {
      switch (pl.type) {
        case bkn.types.ok:
          if ( == "lobby") {
            (async () => {
              // get all messages from the channel
              console.log("loading previous message");
              const res = await bkn.list(token, "msgs_774_");
              if (!res.ok) {
                alert("error listing messages from db: \n" + res.content);

              let { messages } = this.state;;
              res.content.results?.forEach((m) => messages.push(m));
              this.setState({ messages: messages });
        case bkn.types.joined:
          let { messages } = this.state;;
            from: "system",
            body: `${} joins the channel`
          this.setState({ messages: messages });
        case bkn.types.chanOut:
          try {
            const msg = JSON.parse(;
            let { messages } = this.state;
            this.setState({ messages: messages });
          } catch (ex) {

The first step in our onToken callback is to set the component state indicating we have an authentication token.

this.setState({ token: token, username: email });

Next we want to connect to establish the WebSocket communication:

To do that we use the connect function of our client library.

connect(token: string, (tok: string) => void, (pl: Payload) => void)

The connect function wants three arguments:

  • token: is our authentication token
  • connected callback: a callback used for successful connection.
  • message received callback: a callback used for all incoming messages.

We can then call the connect function like this:

	(tok: string) => {
		console.log("socket connected");

		bkn.send(bkn.types.join, "lobby");
	(pl: Payload) => {}

The first argument is the token we got from our Auth component.

The second argument is a callback function we use to join a channel named lobby. This function gets called if our WebSocket connection is successful.

The last argument is a callback function that gets called everytime a new message is received.

It’s usually standard to perform a switch operation on the type field when receiving messages. This is the data model representing messages:

  "sid": "unique socket id",
  "type": "one of supported types",
  "data": "a string representing the payload",
  "channel": "if the message target a channel",
  "token": "a special token obtained via auth"

The data field is a string but usually contains JSON parsable format.

Let’s inspect our switch condition more closely:

switch (pl.type) {
  case bkn.types.ok:
    if ( == "lobby") {
      (async () => {
        // get all messages from the channel
        console.log("loading previous message");
        const res = await bkn.list(token, "msgs_774_");
        if (!res.ok) {
          alert("error listing messages from db: \n" + res.content);

        let { messages } = this.state;;
        res.content.results?.forEach((m) => messages.push(m));
        this.setState({ messages: messages });
  // other cases

This first case handles a generic type: bkn.types.ok. Whenever we send messages, we’re getting a reply in the OK or ERR state. We’re using the
OK state of our join command to fetch the previous message in our database.

Since all command we use will have an OK returned, we’re using the data field to filter for the join resulting command.

Let’s see how we’re notifying when someone joins the channel:

case bkn.types.joined:
  let { messages } = this.state;;
    from: "system",
    body: `${} joins the channel`
  this.setState({ messages: messages });

We’re manually adding a message to the messages array each time a new person join.

Lastly let’s have a look at out chan_out case, when a new message is posted to the channel:

case bkn.types.chanOut:
  try {
    const msg = JSON.parse(;
    let { messages } = this.state;
    this.setState({ messages: messages });
  } catch (ex) {

We JSON.parse the data field of our Payload data model. Since it’s a string we need to parse it to get a JavaScript object.

From there we can add it to our array of messages and update the component’s state.

Posting new messages

The last piece remaining to see for the client-side application is the submission of the new message. We’re using an onKeyPress handler that posts to the lobby channel when we hit the Enter key:

handleSubmit = (e: any) => {
  if (e.charCode == 13) {

    const msg: IMessage = {
      from: this.state.username,
      body: this.state.msg
    bkn.send(bkn.types.chanIn, JSON.stringify(msg), "lobby");

    this.setState({ msg: "" });

To send a message to a channel, we use the chan_in type command with the send function.

Using a server-side function to persists the messages

The last part of this tutorial will focus on creating a server-side function that executes each time there’s a new message posted to a channel.

StaticBackend’s server-side functions are sandboxed JavaScript functions that run on the server with a custom runtime. You have access to most StaticBackend resources like the database, posting messages, sending emails, etc.

The functions trigger based on messages or topics. Remember we had a case where we were handling the bkn.types.chanOut message type earlier. So we can have a server-side function trigger based on that same event type.

To create the function, we’ll use our CLI. Note that you can get started with the CLI here. You may also use the web UI of StaticBackend to create the function.

$> backend function add --name new_msg --trigger chan_out --source ./fn.js

We specify the name of the function, its trigger, and the JavaScript source file executed.

This is the function source:

file: fn.js

function handle(body) {
    log("DEBUG: inside ssf", body);
    try {
        var msg = JSON.parse(;
        msg.sentOn = new Date();
        var res = create("msgs_774_", msg);
        if (!res.ok) {
            log("unable to create msg", res.content);
    } catch(ex) {
        log("error parsing data", ex);

All functions must have a handle function name. This handler will receive important arguments by the runtime, like body. In our case, we’re receiving the Payload of a new message being posted on a channel.

We parse the data field and add a sentOn field just for demonstration purposes.

We then create the message entry to a msgs collection. Please note that our collection “msgs_774” has specifics permissions. We’re enabling everyone (authenticated) to read this collection. Please refer to our documentation to understand how you can opt-in to specifics permission for your collection.

In conclusion

This tutorial demonstrates some building blocks of StaticBackend that help you launch your application faster. We have got the following functionalities for free in a small codebase:

  1. User authentication, login, and register.
  2. Database CRUD
  3. WebSocket connection, channel-based communication
  4. Server-side functions
  5. Event-based architecture

If you haven’t tested StaticBackend yet, we will encourage you to do so and see for yourself how it can help you. We’re happy to hear your feedback and any questions you have. We’re here to help.

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