February 19, 2022

Introducing support for PostgreSQL

The release of v1.2.0 introduces a new data persistence interface that allows the support of different database engines as the data store for StaticBackend.

Since 2019, StaticBackend’s main database engine has been MongoDB. PostgreSQL is now fully supported as an alternative.

How to try it

StaticBackend now defaults to PostgreSQL. The demo docker-compose-demo.yml file is currently configured with PostgreSQL service by default.

Here’s how you can get started and test for a brand new application.

1. Clone the repository:

$> git clone git@github.com:staticbackendhq/core.git

2. Create a .env file:

$> cd core
$> cp .demo-env .env

3. Create the Docker image for StaticBackend:

$> docker build . -t staticbackend:latest

4. Start all needed services:

$> docker-compose -f docker-compose-demo.yml up

5. Create your app:

Open a browser to that URL http://localhost:8099 and create an app by entering an email address. Don’t worry no email are sent in dev mode.

6. Check your database in PostgreSQL:

$> docker exec -it core_db_1 psql -U postgres
postgres=# SELECT schema_name FROM information_schema.schemata;

You’ll see all your database schemas, similar to this:

(6 rows)

The sb schema is a reserved schema StaticBackend uses to hold all applications meta data.

The syqlsxsnhmx9 in my case is my newly created app database.

Yours will be named differently, it’s a random name.

Let’s look at the default tables that SB created:

postgres=# \dt syqlsxsnhmx9.*
                 List of relations
    Schema    |       Name       | Type  |  Owner   
 syqlsxsnhmx9 | sb_accounts      | table | postgres
 syqlsxsnhmx9 | sb_files         | table | postgres
 syqlsxsnhmx9 | sb_forms         | table | postgres
 syqlsxsnhmx9 | sb_function_logs | table | postgres
 syqlsxsnhmx9 | sb_functions     | table | postgres
 syqlsxsnhmx9 | sb_tasks         | table | postgres
 syqlsxsnhmx9 | sb_tokens        | table | postgres
(7 rows)

7. Create a database record:

The quickest way for this demo to create a database record without creating a client-side or server-side app is by manually using curl.

Please refer to other guides for how to use client libraries.

When you created your app at step 5 the terminal where you ran the docker-compose command has output important information about your app/account.

You’ll need your SB-PUBLIC-KEY, your email and password.

$> curl -H "SB-PUBLIC-KEY: 589273a7-11f5-4ddc-b064-233a6361f150" -XPOST -d '{"email": "ok@test.com", "password": "tsitLo"}'  http://localhost:8099/login

Change the SB-PUBLIC-KEY, email, and password values to match your own.

This command will return your session token. We need that token to perform any database operations.

$> curl -H "SB-PUBLIC-KEY: your-pk-here" \
 -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJ...super-long-token-here" \
 -XPOST -d '{"name": "task name", "done": false}' \

Replace the values of the SB-PUBLIC-KEY and the Authorization token you got from the login above.

This will return the created database record:

"name":"task name"}

Notice that StaticBackend added an accountId and an id automatically.

8. Verify that the record is in PostgreSQL:

postgres=# SELECT * FROM syqlsxsnhmx9.tasks;
id                  | 
account_id          |
owner_id            |
data                |
 f819da77-7d06-446e-b8c2-34563246a195 | 
 150da7c4-75b5-400e-9218-9b51c4a22898 | 
 75893c04-f841-4743-8071-7d605aef93dc | 
 {"done": false, "name": "task name"} | 
 2022-02-19 13:07:04.123959
(1 row)

Replace the syqlsxsnhmx9 schema name with your name.

We can see that StaticBackend creates a table with id, account_id,
owner_id, and created fields automatically.

The JSON sent is saved in a column named data as type JSONB.

That’s how you’d use StaticBackend with a PostgreSQL database.

Your feedback is very appreciated. Do not hesitate to reach out to me on Twitter or GitHub.

Happy coding.

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