August 4, 2021

How to get started with StaticBackend self-hosted version

Let’s start by getting the server code to your local development environment.

There are three options to have a running StaticBackend instance:

  1. Docker and Docker Compose
  2. Pre-built binaries
  3. Compiling the source

No matter which way you prefer, you’ll need to get the latest source code first.

$> git clone
$> cd core

Docker and Docker Compose

If you already have access to Docker, you may execute the following commands to have your backend up and running quickly.

We’ll first need to build the Docker image.

There are two options to do this:

  1. Using make
  2. Using Docker

Build the image

Before you can run any make commands, you’ll need to have an environment file ready named .env.

You’ll need that file even if you’re not using the make comamnd

We provide a sample named .demo.env, let’s use that one which is all set to run in local mode:

$> mv .demo.env .env

We can now build the image with make:

$> make docker

Or with Docker directly:

$> docker build . -t staticbackend:latest

Pre-built binaries or compiling the source

Please refer to our self-hosted getting started guide for all details on how to use pre-built binaries or compiling the source.

Start everything

The easiest way to run all dependencies and the server itself is by using Docker Compose.

We provide two Docker compose files. One that only includes the dependencies services. The other is a demo that includes dependencies and the backend server.

$> docker-compose -f docker-compose-demo.yml up

If you do not have access to Docker Compose, you’ll need MongoDB and Redis servers. Inside your .env file, configure the proper keys to match your server’s access points.

Access your local instance web UI

You should be able to access the web UI via a browser when you navigate to http://localhost:8099.

Create your first app

To start using the backend API inside your application, you’ll need to create an app inside your local StaticBackend instance.

An app has its own database, file storage isolation, and admin portal.

You simply enter an email and click the button. You’ll see the email output in the terminal that started the Docker Compose or the binary.

You’ll need those credentials and tokens in your app to perform any operations.

Simple JavaScript sample app

Let’s create a quick example JavaScript application that uses our self-hosted backend instance.

You’ll need the following installed to follow along:

  1. npm or yarn installed
  2. A text editor

Let’s initialize our JavaScript application:

$> npm init -y

Installing StaticBackend JavaScript client library

Your JavaScript application needs to install our client-side library to performs backend operations.

$> npm install @staticbackend/js

Create our demo.ts file

We will only have one file for this sample. Inside the src directory, we can create our demo.ts file with the following code.

$> mkdir src
$> touch src/demo.ts

Note: touch is used here only to show the creation of the file, not required you may create this file however you want.

Here’s the code:

import {Backend} from "@staticbackend/js"

let bkn = new Backend("YOUR_PUBLICK_KEY_HERE", "dev");
let token = "";

let login = async () => {
  let result = await bkn.login("", "YOUR_ADMIN_PASSWORD");
  if (!result.ok) {

  token = result.content;


let createTask = async () => {
  const task = {
    desc: "my first task",
    done: false

  let result = await bkn.create(token, "tasks", task)
  if (!result.ok) {

    console.log("created", result.content);

listTasks = async () => {
  let result = await bkn.list(token, "tasks");
  if (!result.ok) {

  console.log("list", result.content);

window.onload = () => {

To reach the correct database, your client-side library needs to know which app you’re looking for. You achieve this by using the SB_PUBLIC_KEY you received when you created your application.

var bkn = new Backend("Public Key Here", "dev")

We’re using "dev" for the region, which indicates our client-side library to target your local instance and not a production one.

We can log in using the credentials we received when we created the app. A valid session token is required for each API call. We store that session token into a global variable so it’s easy to use everywhere.

From there, it’s just a matter of using the database operations on behalf of that user. We create a document in the tasks collection, and we list the documents our user account has access to.

Building our JavaScript application

We’ll be using esbuild to build our JavaScript application. It does not require any configuration and run fast.

$> npm install esbuild

We create a new build script inside our package.json file.

"scripts": {
  "build": "esbuild --bundle --outfile=dist/demo.js src/demo.ts"

We build our bundle:

$> npm run build

Start our frontend application

We will install a simple HTTP server to serve our application.

$> npm install http-server

And add the script to start the server:

"scripts": {
  "start": "http-server",
  "build": "esbuild --bundle --outfile=dist/demo.js src/demo.ts"

Let’s create a quick index.html file that references our bundle.

  <script src="/dist/demo.js"></script>

We can finally start our application and look in the developer console for the app’s output or errors.

It is how you’d get started with the self-hosted version of StaticBackend.

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