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Deploy to Render and Heroku buttons

There isn’t a much quicker way to get started than a one-click deploy button. Those buttons take care of everything for you. You can start using your self-hosted StaticBackend instance in 30 seconds. What do you need? A Heroku or Render account. That’s the only requirement. How to test it? Go to the GitHub repository README and click on the Deploy to Heroku or Deploy to Render button. What are the resources needed?

Introducing support for PostgreSQL

The release of v1.2.0 introduces a new data persistence interface that allows the support of different database engines as the data store for StaticBackend. Since 2019, StaticBackend’s main database engine has been MongoDB. PostgreSQL is now fully supported as an alternative. How to try it StaticBackend now defaults to PostgreSQL. The demo docker-compose-demo.yml file is currently configured with PostgreSQL service by default. Here’s how you can get started and test for a brand new application.

Server-side functions & task scheduler example

The source code for this tutorial can be found here. Here’s a quick video demonstrating the live chat in action. @StaticBackend in all its glory. 216 lines of code for a ~dirty live chat page #jamstack: ✅ Login / Register 🗨️ Websockets / channel based 🔒 Data persistence Also note that the 202 LoC is mostly React ceremony here... I think I'm building something of high value and no fluff pic.

How to get started with StaticBackend self-hosted version

Let’s start by getting the server code to your local development environment. There are three options to have a running StaticBackend instance: Docker and Docker Compose Pre-built binaries Compiling the source No matter which way you prefer, you’ll need to get the latest source code first. $> git clone git@github.com:staticbackendhq/core.git $> cd core Docker and Docker Compose If you already have access to Docker, you may execute the following commands to have your backend up and running quickly.

We're switching to an open source model

I’d be lying if I would not address the elephant in the room first. Of course, I decided to fork the road for StaticBackend toward an open-source future because I failed at reaching people and get the revenue out of the service. That being said, it seems to me that releasing a developer tool such as StaticBackend in a close source way is a hard seller. I’m asking you to trust me to build your app on top of a service that claims to be free from vendor locked-in but offers a limited exit option.

Realtime collaborative editing example in JavaScript

Let’s discover how the real-time capabilities of StaticBackend can help you build collaborative applications. You may find the source code on the GitHub repository. For this sample, we’ll build a simple application for two person to collaborate on a piece of code. Here are the functionalities we’ll make: A collaborator will be able to join a room by entering the room’s mane and a unique PIN. The instigator and the collaborator will collaborate on a text area where one of them writes code and the other is in view mode.

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